Some cases in Iran that are strange for foreign tourists
cases in Iran that are strange for foreign tourists
A Canadian tourist wrote about the attractions and problems of tourism in Iran and shared his interesting experiences in traveling to Iran.
The experience of many countries has shown that attracting foreign tourists is one of the most important requirements for sustainable development. Tourism is a hidden industrial property that has a high value for the country. The boom of this industry is surely one of the ways to reduce the dependence of the country’s economy on oil.
What has always been the case in the upstream economic documents of the country is a kind of strategic economic goal. With this in turn, tourism prosperity can be seen as one of the first strategies for achieving a sustainable economy. However, providing the country’s tourism attractiveness to attract foreign tourists is very important. At the same time, removing obstacles to the presence of foreign tourists in the country can be considered as one of the priorities of the country.
Food Menu in Iran
I think that tourists all agree with me that Iranian food has many enthusiasts. In fact, all tourists are amazed at why the Iranian food is not well-known in the world. However, many may also complain about a diet that includes meat and rice. Perhaps the Iranians themselves can make foods like chicken smaller at home and naturally order them more in restaurants, but for the tourist who does not have a way to Iranians and have to eat twice a day, these foods are very annoying. .
I do not mention the plant foods that are not common in Iran and are rarely seen on the food list. Of course, if you travel with a pocket full of money, you will be less likely to encounter this problem. Expensive restaurants have good food options to keep their customers happy, but like you and me who may not have enough money, so what should we do?
Eating kebab is always tempting on the first day. Many travelers book barbecue for the first time. I know to go to any restaurant, even roadside restaurants, kebabs are on their food list, but I’d love to go to a place where I feel a bit different. If you’re not like fecal fans like me, I’ll recommend salad desserts for the night. Salads in Iran are more than enough to feed your stomach, your imagination is comfortable.

The story of a knife in Iran
The people of Iran often eat their food with spoons and fork. As you may be surprised at seeing a piece of meat with a spoon, our rice can be weird with the fork. So where is the problem? Nowhere! Do your own job.
In most cases, it is less likely that the Iranians will place a knife table next to the plate. If you are in this position, leave the embarrassment and ask the restaurant servant to bring you a knife. This way, always solves the problem.

The Passion of Coffee Tanks in Iran
If you are a coffee, it’s unfortunate that drinking coffee in Iran is not common. Some are happy to replace the tasteless tea of Iran instead of these beverages, but experience has shown that coffee addiction will never be lost. You can find Nescafe in some places, but certainly not what you are looking for. You want coffee, gourmet coffee. If you are in Isfahan, your fortune is fortunate. Professional coffee is found here, especially in coffee shops in the Armenian regions. Sometimes the hotel’s cafeteria also makes espresso. You can try it at least once. Maybe he’ll give it a try. Of course, this does not mean that it’s impossible to find good coffee in Iran. There are also places where you can make a splash, so do not think wherever you go can find it.
Money Adventures in Iran
When you first enter Iran, when you turn your dollar or euro into rials, you feel like you’re a real millionaire, but later you will find that these are not the same. It is natural that the alphabet of the Persian language is different and you probably will not be able to read it. It’s easy to guess that you can not read numbers either because they are written differently. Of course, almost all shops use Persian numerals in the price tag. There is only one way to ask the prices, but when you do this, prices are often confusing you, why?
The main currency is Iran Rial, but it uses daily allotments in daily life. Each ten rials is equivalent to one toman. You must pay at least 300,000 Rials, or 30000 Rials per meal, in Iranian restaurants. What makes the problem more complicated is that the Iranian people express prices for them. Even worse, sometimes they say one thousand tomans a ton. For example, if you were eating somewhere and saying that you should give 30 USD, it means 30 thousand tomans or 300 thousand rials.
I tried to teach this to some of the tourists, but I could not. If you have such a problem, you ask the shopkeeper to write the price on paper or their calculator in Rial. That’s the only way to get your job done. Remember, international credit cards are not working in Iran, and rare shops accept dollars or euros. So prepare yourself to run with Rials and Tomans.

A problem called sanitary in Iran
Most Iranian health care services are in Iranian style. Toilets are less common in this country. Toilet paper is rarely found in public bathrooms in Iran. So prepare yourself for both of these situations. The handkerchief problem is easily solved, you just have to carry your own handkerchief. Of course, I say that you rarely encounter this problem in homes and hotels. Most of the Iranian homes and all of the hotels are equipped with toilets and toilet paper.
customer services in Iran
Customer service in Iran is a new phenomenon and it does not exist in most places. You have to insist. If you stay in a hotel and do not want something, go and protest. Do not give this responsibility to the servants; their heads are more crowded than saying that they will remain so.